Human being today is very much conscious of his weight. Everybody with even a little bit of overweight is anxious to become slim and look beautiful or in simple words handsome. Most people visiting clinics are often asking the doctors that how quickly they can reduce their weight. Frankly speaking, reducing weight all at once is not an easy task. All is that people having overweight and are eager to reduce weight must have to wait patiently and have to go an easy long process which is not at all complicated.
Simple ground rules if are followed there is no reason why every Tom and Dick with overweight problem can easily and quickly reduce weight. Strict dieting and long duration of starvation is not required to lessen ones weight. It is also not at all advisable to take some medicine to hurriedly reduce the overweight.
Pure water is the precious gift given by God for drinking purpose for human being must be taken in abundance punctually. At least eight to twelve glass of pure water must be taken every day. Start the day with two glass of water in the early morning before breakfast. This assists the brain to function in an organized manner and permit the kidney to drive out toxins and contaminations. Dehydration is the frequent problem in the human being due to less consumption of pure drinking water. Due to this dehydration a man becomes weak and loses weight abnormally. It is advisable as far as possible to take cold water as it burns most of the calories and reduce weight. If possible lime juice can be added without sugar or salt. Further the avoidance of soft drink will help to reduce weight. The use of flavored coffee and tea should once for all to be given up as it adds calories to the body and increases the weight.
Proper constant sleep at night for at least eight hours reduces weight. Make sure that when you sleep your stomach is not full. It should be remembered that sometimes an empty stomach and heavy dinner also upset your sleep. It is observed that a well hydrated body does not wake you up in the middle of the night. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach as there is likelihood of pain and ache in the body.
Physical exercise every day is one the major short cut to loosening weight. It burns quicker all your fats and calories in the body. Once you form the habit of physical exercise then some steps of reducing weight may be slackened. Physical exercise helps to prevent diabetes, heart diseases, depression, etc. It bolsters the immune system and improves the mental health. The other effective way of loosening fat and calories are brisk walking, jogging and jumping.
For quick safe way of loosening weight, the complex carbohydrates should be the major part of your diet. The large part of carbohydrates diet must come from such as cereals, grains, fruits, vegetables, green beans, dry beans, carrots, corn, whole wheat and maize bread, etc. These are easily digestible and very much nutritious. They also reduce the chance of colon cancer and major heart diseases. Among the noted fruit that easily burn more calories in the digestion process are apples, grapes, mangoes, etc. Their intake may be frequent for rapidly reducing weight.
For taste the salt is often used in our foods. The higher use of salt leads to high blood pressure. In this context salt intake should be reduced to reduce blood pressure. High salt intake is related to water holding in your body. The reduction in salt intake leads to the drive out of the extra water from muscle tissue and weight loss. For better health it is desirable that the salt intake to be 5 to 6 grams a day.
Many people talk of reduce salt intake for reducing weight but they fail to take notice of high intake of sugar in daily life. It should be remembered that the high intake of sugar may lead to increase in weight and later on to the development of diabetes.
The above were some of the major ones of quick and safe way of reducing weight. Do not ignore breakfast. You need enough calories to start with your daily physical and mental work. Do not forget to take cereals and fresh juice during breakfast. English people take heavy breakfast and that is why they are able to work without any sort of botheration. Our doctors also advise us to take a reasonable breakfast to make you fit to work throughout the day. Light lunch may be taken but it does not mean taking chicken or beef burgers at the lunch time as they contain more calories than an ordinary lunch.
Eat slowly at any time whether lunch, breakfast, dinner or any time. If you properly masticate every bit of your food your brain will itself tell you that you are no more in need of food. This being tested and it has been found that with food intake a person is healthy and has less weight. During anger, tension, frustration, sorrow and nervousness food should be eaten less or avoided. It is likely that during this time the person may eat excessive food and he may gain weight. Sit properly in the office chairs and after every two hours walk for five minutes. This should be a must for top executives working in government and multinational companies.
Do not go into the habit of using medicine or any sort of diet pills for reducing weight. This will give you satisfaction for a shorter period. There may be some side effects in the long run which will have an adverse affect on your health. Remember extreme weight loss is dangerous to your health. In extreme weight loss you may not be getting the required amount of protein, fat or carbohydrates which is predominantly essential for your body. At the same time it is highly advisable not to go for surgery as it is very dangerous and expensive. We may safely conclude that natural methods are the best methods for quick and safe weight loss then any kind of medication.
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